Trucks (1997 TV Movie)
The worst Stephen King adaptation I've ever seen in my life!
8 May 2015
Let me start off by saying this: I love Stephen King! He's one of my all-time favorite writers, and no one else can match his imagination. Now, many of his novels and short stories have been turned into films. Some are great, some are so-so, some are bad, and some are horrifically bad. Unfortunately, this film falls into the latter category. Both this film, and 1986's "Maximum Overdrive" were based on a short story that King had published. Many, many people have claimed that "Maximum Overdrive" is the all-time worst Stephen King adaptation ever made. In my personal opinion however, that's really unfair. Because trust me, you can do a WHOLE lot worse than "Maximum Overdrive". I've seen many Stephen King movies over the years, and I must say: this movie is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the worst one I've ever seen in my life! Worse than "It", worse than "The Tommyknockers", worse than "Sleepwalkers", worse than "Golden years", worse than "Thinner", worse than all those movies combined! If you think that "Maximum Overdrive" is King's worst, then you clearly haven't seen any of the movies I mentioned previously, or this movie. comparing "Maximum Overdrive" to this film, is like comparing a Calzone to a Totino's pizza roll! The reason why "Trucks" fails where "Maximum Overdrive" succeeds, is because "Max" doesn't take itself seriously. The concept is ridiculous, so it just has has fun with it. which is basically what the movie is, a "turn your brain off" fun movie. "Trucks" is about as "fun" as watching paint dry! "Trucks" also plays the concept totally straight. I suppose they were trying to make it scary, but it's not, it's just stupid! Not to mention the fact, that the film lacks everything that made "Max" good. No good actors, no intriguing characters, no awesome soundtrack, and no big bad killer truck! I can only guess what the filmmakers were trying to accomplish with this movie. Maybe they thought "Maximum Overdrive" was a mistake, and were trying to make up for it, but you can't make up for a "mistake", by making a bigger, far worse, one!
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