Embarrassing "romantic" "comedy"
5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I put these two words into " as there is no credible or entertaining romance in here and comedy is also pretty much non-existent. Bartuschek and, even more, Ströbel are pretty much unbearable for this television film's entire 90 minutes. I wish they would have given the lead part to Hegenbarth instead. I really liked her breakthrough series "Mein Leben & ich", so it's a bit sad to see her in supporting roles in terrible movies like this one now. And what is there to say about Sebastian Ströbel. He has no acting talent at all and yet gets cast constantly in movies, basically all of them with zero quality. There are several truly cringeworthy scenes, many of them involving dialog from the film's horrible script. And a ridiculous dancing sequence. By the way, the music in this movie is a mess as well.

Marie Gruber I am not too familiar with, but I see she has been in quite some quality movies already, so this is certainly also a step down for her. Bartuschek plays a chimney sweep and tries to set Ströbel's character up with Hegenbarth's character, but it could not be more obvious that he is actually the right one for Bartuschek's character herself. They added a numb guy as best friend to the main character to include some emotion I guess and some more pseudo relationship drama, but it only adds to the fact that this movie takes itself far more seriously than it has any right to. The jealousy story between the two female protagonists is a joke as well, especially looking at how Hegenbarth's character goes from completely jealous to not jealous at all. I feel sorry for all the actors here having to deal with an amateurish script like this. The female director and writer of this movie are both not entirely inexperienced, which makes it especially strange that they still, after years in the industry, come up with something as low as this. And right when you think it could not get any worse, namely when Ströbel's character admits his love (after winning a prestigious prize, of course he does), Bartuschek's character climbs the stage. Don't watch it. Don't do this to yourself.
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