Battleship (2012)
relatively fun, basic "guys flick" - nothing more, nothing less
4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Battleship" is a "guys flick" that contains a ton of clichés of the genre, and a fair number of inconsistent or at least illogical elements. But, the pace is pretty good, the special effects are generally good, and Rihanna is even not that bad an actress! ;-) So all in all you've got something worth watching with (guy) friends, ideally on a day when your brain is a bit tired and you've had a couple beers already, and you'll enjoy it. On the other hand, anyone looking for something intellectual, original, etc. should definitely look elsewhere!

WARNING: some SPOILERS (not on the plot though): - you send a message out at the speed of light. Yet within a couple of MONTHS, not only has that signal reached a planet about 20 light years away, but its inhabitants have arrived! - classical good disciplined brother vs. loser but more fun brother. In the end the loser ends up as the best ever man on earth - classical "government people" don't understand the situation at all but still insist that the military go out and crash more planes against a forcefield - classical bad guy in love with the best girl who is also the daughter of the most important older guy. And then said bad guy proves so so good that he gets the girl, and is accepted by the father - aliens with advanced technology prefer to use Earth's dated technology to transmit to their home planet - aliens with advanced technology have a non-tainted glass window to protect the bridge of their super-duper spaceship. So all it takes is to get the sun to shine in their eyes, and a couple sniper shots at them, and bingo! - aliens who possess powerful weapons, including flying cogwheels that can eat through a battleship in a matter of seconds, or destroy a whole airbase in less than a minute, still leave an older docked ship so that it can take a shot at them later... The same older ship is left alone by the aliens because it has pointed its canons away for a second. So advanced aliens consider a weapon a threat only when pointed at them? Hmmm. - an older docked battleship can be restarted and be readied for combat in a matter of minutes by a team of a half-dozen older crewmen plus a couple youngsters - aliens who have established a force-field of several miles radius, are apparently unable to establish small force fields around their ships to protect them from simple ammunition from Earth. Makes for a more balanced fight - but still illogical. - if you prevent four alien scout ships from communicating back home, then their mother planet will never send other ships to check what happened to them? Hmmm.
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