Not for Hire: Smuggled Wife (1959)
Season 1, Episode 5
Red Tape
30 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
NOT FOR HIRE – Smuggled Wife – 1959

This 1959 to 1960 television series starred Ralph Meeker as Sgt Steve Dekker. Dekker is an Army investigator with the Criminal Investigations Division CID of the US Army. CID investigates serious crimes committed by or against army personnel. Dekker is based in Honolulu, Hawaii. Meeker seems to be channelling his Mike Hammer persona (Kiss me Deadly) in this series. He plays the character as hard-nosed as they come. This episode is the 5th episode of the 39 episode production run.

A soldier on base, James Parnell, is having problems with the Army. His pregnant wife is stuck in Hong Kong. The Government is not allowing her into the country over some vague charges made by the Red Chinese. They say she was a spy or some such. Parnell wants action by the Government and Army to get her to the U.S.

Meeker decides to help when Parnell goes AWOL. The man is so upset with the Government inaction he plans on doing something about it. This involves "leaning" on various State Department types. This of course just ends with Parnell being hauled back to base and restricted to said base.

While Meeker is checking out the red tape mess he tumbles to a crooked set up a local import export outfit. They have a profitable sideline, they smuggle people from China, Japan etc. Soldier Parnell has coughed up 2 large to have his wife smuggled to the USA.

Meeker puts a stop to the nonsense when he explains that this will get Parnell 20 years in prison. Needless to say there is a less than friendly dispute with the smugglers about a refund. Guns are drawn, fists are applied and a free-for all ensues. The proper people come out on top. The rest are rounded up for a visit to the crowbar inn.

Parnell's wife is soon vetted by the Government types and cleared to join Parnell in Hawaii.

This one is a bit weak on the story side. They try to work in a bit of comic relief for some reason. Not a good idea.
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