Nocturne Six (2014)
26 April 2015
I bought this movie about a week ago. I wanted to come on here and explain a few things to reviewers prior to writing a bad review. First off, it's probably going to be somewhere between a "6" and an "8". I wouldn't give it either a nine or ten, but that's just me. I've seen a lot of other users here in the IMDb have given it just that, 9s & 10s. I'm not them, so I don't know what they enjoy. Speaking on behalf of myself who once worked for an independent film business almost fifteen years ago as an executive producer, I keep abreast of the independent market.

First off, let me state this, unless you are a somewhat intelligent person, or have worked in the film business, you can't possibly imagine what the mental and even physical cost is for an independent filmmaker. The difficulties in making a film on a lower budget takes ambition and above all, courage. The ability to stick by something for an endless amount of time is not for the faint of heart. Nocturne Six is unlike other independent movies that I've not only made, but have watched. I would have to say from a very critical point of view, there are most likely only 9 total movies that fall into my personal category that make my top 10 favorite independent releases. Nocturne Six is one of them as of now.

Many films today must adhere to a new market of individuals, sadly. It's not much about story lines and intelligence within films anymore. Screenwriters must always be thinking outside the box for ways to keep the unaware public at bay to follow through with their movie experience. If a screenwriter/s can get their point across without all the glitz and glam of explosions and shotgun blasts, then they've accomplished their objective and then some for those of us film lovers that actually know and understand, and even appreciate what were taking into our brains.

Nocturne Six for me as an "unofficial" film critic was not just simply executed with what these filmmakers were using, but they brought a fascinating plot of modern science and culture, and the ever-growing world of paranormal science to life in just under two-hours. Many movies that I have watched can't seem to get their point across in the time they've been approved for and still remain under budget. I find modern filmmaking to be appalling sometimes, in that the fact we are willing to hand out $60million to a "so-called trusted" director just because he's achieved the same thing over and over again. It's all about the "Flash! Bang! Boom!" effect, rather than the intellectual movie experience anymore. Mass-produced movies are in your face, and it's all about the money and the trend. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate what goes into making these films, but when did we stop rewarding those who actually have something special to say through art and craftsmanship, and start rewarding those who use the same gimmicks over and over again, the same cookie-cutter hum-drum nonsense? From a technical aspect, I loved how Nocturne Six utilized many modern-day library footage, referenced modern government agencies and had an all-around horror/sci-fi affect.

Personally, I just can't fathom someone giving this movie anything below a six. You have to be somewhat reasonably intelligent to understand this movie, and if you are, then you'll understand to issue it a respectful number, above that of "5".
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