Far from Men (2014)
Slow is not always good
24 April 2015
I have been to Algeria a few years ago, so I was compelled to watch this movie. The movie starts slow, which was not a problem. The mood of the film didn't capture me right away, so I postponed the viewing of the second half of it. But it didn't get better, it got worse. The more sentimental conversations between the two main characters I had to witness, the less I was able to feel interested about their lives or their history. The movie seems to try to use everything - desert, music, story - to make us feel sorry for Mohamed and emphasize with Daru, but it just didn't work for me. Most of the movie seems to be about the two companions staring into the wide landscape with a melancholic look on his face. The last Mortensen movie I watched was about a male character who had to lead his son, a young boy, through a post-apocalyptic scenario, into safety. It was hardly watchable due to it's sentimental onslaught. This movie is the same, just in the Algerian desert.
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