Review of The Good Son

Frasier: The Good Son (1993)
Season 1, Episode 1
Stunningly written pilot
23 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Frasier often gets overlooked when it comes to the best comedies around the world, but its pilot perhaps proves many wrong to not include it. Probably because it is conceived in group writing schemes where the writers bounce ideas off each other and build the script from there, this pilot succeeds not just to reintroduce an already diverse character, Frasier, but introduce a whole host of new characters as if we've known them for years. Equally, the acting is unprecedented with Grammar and Price supremely dominating the screen with their hilarious double-act, followed by some sound performances from the supporting cast Maloney, Leeves and Gilpin. Not to mention a very well-trained dog, Moose.

I often wonder how this masterful episode was created, because it is truly a great, marred only by the fact that it is the first installment and has a lot more to give. If you haven't yet set eyes on this beauty, then please do, because it is a stunning portrayal of conflicting social classes and a family individually defined by their own strange demeanors. To finish my high praise, I would like to list a few (many) quotes, ones that define this show as a true classic.

"Six months ago, I was living in Boston. My wife had left me, which was very painful. Then she came back to me, which was excruciating." - Frasier

"I do, I... I like her from a distance. You know, the way you like the sun. Maris is like the sun... except without the warmth." - Frasier

"Remember what Mom always said: A handshake is as good as a hug." - Niles Crane

"Let's see. You dropped two commercials, you left a total of 28 seconds of dead air, you scrambled the stations call letters, you spilled yogurt on the control board and you kept referring to Jerry with the identity crisis, as "Jeff"." - Roz Doyle

"Well then, we're agreed about what to do with Dad. (reads a brochure) "Golden Acres: We Care So You Don't Have To."" - Niles Crane

"Ah, you're gonna have to run an extension cord over here so I can plug in the vibrating part." - Martin Crane, "Oh yes, that will be the crowning touch." - Frasier Crane

"(anxious) Niles, there you are! I'm sorry I'm late; just as I was leaving, Dad decided to cook lunch by the glow of a small kitchen fire!" - Frasier Crane

"Thank you. (sees The Armchair and pats it) Oh, will you look at that. What a comfy chair! It's like I always say, start with a good piece and replace the rest when you can afford it." - Daphne Moon

"I must confess - I'm a bit psychic. It's nothing big, just little things I sense about people. I mean, it's not like I can pick the lottery. If I could, I wouldn't be talking to the likes of you two, now would I? (laughs)" - Daphne Moon

"Yes. Perhaps I should describe the duties around here. You would be responsible for..." - Frasier Crane, "(suddenly turns towards Frasier) Oh, wait a minute, I'm getting something on you... you're a florist! - Daphne Moon, "No, I'm a psychiatrist." - Frasier Crane, "Well, it comes and goes. (puts her things back into her bag) Usually, it's strongest during my time of the month. Oh, I guess I let a little secret out there, didn't I?" - Daphne Moon, "It's safe with us. Well, Miss Moon, I think we've learned just about all we need to know about you, and a dash extra! (goes to the door)" - Frasier Crane, "(waves her arms at Eddie) You're a dog, aren't you?" - Daphne Moon

"Daphne, Daphne - I think it would be best if you leave." - Frasier Crane, "Oh well, alright then. (goes to leave)" - Daphne Moon, "Don't be alarmed. We'll contact you. If not by telephone then, er, through the toaster." - Frasier Crane
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