Doc Martin: Always on My Mind (2005)
Season 2, Episode 5
A bit below average because the resolutions to the problems seemed to be lacking.
23 April 2015
When the show begins, you see Doc Martin out on a house call* at the Pratt's. Unfortunately, there isn't anything he can do and Mrs. Pratt dies from an embolism almost the second the Doctor enters the house. Oddly, Mr. Pratt is furious at the Doctor--though common sense says it's not the incredibly insensitive man's fault. Even stranger is that he then begins behaving very spitefully towards the Doctor's aunt--who's done nothing wrong. Where all this goes is pretty weird but the story never seems to exactly resolve itself.

The other plot (and there always seem to be at least two) is a much smaller one. The new teacher has problems but the Doc doesn't seem to care...and the teacher seems unwilling to accept his help anyway. However, there IS something wrong...what?

Both plots are odd because neither seems fully resolved. They MAY resolve themselves but you aren't sure about what happens. Odd but worth seeing.

*Throughout this series, although the Doctor is a grouchy guy, he DOES make lots of house calls. In the US, I doubt if any doctor will still do this and am curious if making house calls is the norm in the UK. Just curious and would love to hear from you.
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