Just wow
22 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie left me speechless it was so bad. It took me a while to be able to review it since it was so bad I had no idea where to begin.

Well first of all a DOUCHBAG of a guy, yes I do not root for this @ss#0le at all, pretty much uses/lies to/abuses women. Why? Because his mother left him as a kid? REALLY? LOL MOST people have no real parents these days. Divorce rate is 50%. You MOSTLY have 1 parent most of the time.

SO.... the writers EXPECT the viewer to root for this self-obsessed spoiled brat!? The main character is suffering from what best can be called "Entitled spoiled whiny stupid white boy syndrome." You know those guys that expect the world to revolve around THEM! Wow just disgusting.....

He basically USES women as physical objects for his own gain ONLY, then whines/rants about how he has all these problems. So....everyone should care about you and no one else? Don't these women have problems as well? What about their feelings? Oh right sexism....who cares, just terrible.

As always with "Entitled spoiled whiny stupid white boy syndrome" the subject just expects everything to fall into his lap. He takes a liking to a girl at an event, RIGHT AFTER insulting all the women at said event to be repulsive...wow. She is in a relationship. So what does our subject do, steal her away! Wow classic "Entitled spoiled whiny stupid white boy syndrome!"

Here is what the writers do, ACTUALLY MAKE THE WORLD REVOLVE AROUND HIM. A woman would NEVER go with a guy that INSULTED her. They make her bf a worse man than our main subject. And the girl that is apparently 'in love' with our subject helps him to get this girl? Wow talk about wishful thinking. These things never happen...

More gross things going on in this movie, everyone smokes...disgusting the encouragement of MORE bad behavior. Drink all your problems away...what? Just when it could not get any worse it does! He plans to ruin her wedding! Wow and of course she does not go through with it...random. Bad writing again. This whole movie is warped beyond any realism. NONE of these characters are real. They are even worse than a FANTASY movie. I mean like Harry Potter, at least the characters can exist minus all the magic....

I am assuming it was movies/media like this that encouraged shooters like Elliot Rodger to kill. "Why don't women come up to me?" He actually said it 'happened in the movies.' How sad movies like these exist and some people take them seriously. ENOUGH Hollywood, we see though your (rap. Stop making TOTALLY unrealistic movies. Yes, it's a 'rom-com' but this is too big a pill of lies to swallow!
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