Review of Glee

Glee (2009–2015)
The Real Problem with Glee
20 April 2015
Glee is the best worst show ever conceived. One week, you loved it. The next you questioned what kind of dumbass you are for getting sucked into this kind of s**t.

Let's start with the title. Glee. It's a show about releasing yourself. A show that has garnered recognition for being the gayest show on television. Any serious critic shutters to look at it with any self esteem. That right there is a problem with the show. It does look like what critics say. Yet I don't hate the show.

Right off the bat, most anything past the first season is historically awful. There is a self awareness through the whole show but what makes the early episodes stand out is that the characters struggled with teen problems yet we could always laugh at these situations. Finn is a dumbass, Rachel has an ego that needs to be stopped, Kurt is iconically gay, and Quinn struggles with teen pregnancy. All these situations are hard to deal with in real life but are so innocently depicted it makes them funny while not making us feel terrible for struggling with them. It's just a happy show.

The show dwindled into an obscure subject by the time the new characters were introduced. But I want to make the point that it wasn't entirely their fault. Sure a big chunk of it was but it was by no means the reason why nobody cares about the show anymore. People don't care because it doesn't stand for the same message.

The second year was when Glee rightfully deserved its reputation for being a sponsor for gays. I am no homophobe but the problem the show has with this is that it just depicts gays as being gay. Let's shove as many jokes as we can towards these characters as possible. The first season's mentality was to depict all these hefty struggles in an innocent way. The second year was more about a gay love story. By all means, there is nothing wrong with a gay love story I'm just making the point that the show was already straying from its original idea.

By the third year, these gay jokes just look pathetic. We're supposed to laugh at these jokes. Suddenly things aren't as innocent. We are treated to a joke in the third year based around a masculine female football coach. She's a little overweight so "naturally" they thought it would be funny if they had a character say, "I have a tent you can sleep in over at my house." This joke is intended to be funny. That's not innocent. We're supposed to be aware of the fact that some people are different. Then why is that joke played for laughs? Suddenly this show is now on par with the likes of the worst sitcoms imaginable.

A show that started out about these kids that uncomfortable with themselves are now shown doing well choreographed dance moves by the third with no explanation because the past episodes were built around telling something else.

The second year is when the writing went wrong. Not the fourth when the new characters were introduced. Not the third when the jokes just became ignorant. It was the second year when the focus changed. A show about different characters was now becoming the focus for shipping. Let's have characters break up and cheat on each other for no reason.

I give the show a half rating. The one half is based solely on that first season. Just avoid anything after it.
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