Arthur: King of the Britons (2002 TV Special)
A fascinating presentation about King Arthur and who he may have been.
17 April 2015
At the end of his life, Richard Harris bequeaths to us what is known and reliably believed about King Arthur, who he portrayed in the film Camelot.

I agree that the locations in Britain are beautiful and that the computer animation of structures both being torn down and built up ... and swords materializing into Richard's hand for example ... are incredible.

As to the reviewer here who holds up the recent film King Arthur as an example of scholarship, he is as empty as his nom de plume. King Arthur is an excellent film which brings back the era of Roman decline, but takes great artistic license.

Just one example: archaeology dates Arthur as being in the late 400s and/or early 500s, while the King Arthur film has him at the very time of Rome's departure: 410.

The archaeological detective work that Richard Harris narrates is fascinating and gives Arthur real, historical embodiment and immortality.

It is a beautiful legacy that Richard Harris has helped to leave with us, and I found and freely viewed it on YouTube.
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