Lost River (2014)
A beautiful, mysterious and grotesque moving painting
17 April 2015
Visually stunning. Sets, lighting, locations, imagery and grading. Soundtrack also helps to set a very moody tone. Feels very much a Refn film, I can understand why he recently said they were "twins" making the same movies. Matt Smith is great as the psycho nutjob, I encourage any Dr Who fans to see this based on his performance alone.

The film does feel a bit rushed at the ending (perhaps because of the ten minutes taken out since Cannes). The whole package of visuals, sound and eerie town creates a fantasy like package like Only God Forgives, Valhalla Rising or even Mullholland Drive.

Yes, the plot wasn't the strongest but I don't believe this is enough of an issue to warrant such a tiny limited cinema release on a weekend that the Fast and Furious 7 is playing four times a day in every town. Gosling is a very promising director and once he gets hold of a great script with a really strong story, he may have a universally praised hit on his hands. I for one though will be happy If he continues making mystical art house films like this. The last few years have clearly shown it's where his passion lies.
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