Review of The Fence

The Fence (I) (2011)
Great Example of Our Tax Dollars At Work
9 April 2015
Now I'll preface this review with the fact that I am an attorney who specializes in admin, land use, and environmental law.

Okay. So this documentary is a fan-fricken-tastic example of how Congressional law makers frequently create laws that have practically unintended consequences.

Now, creating an under or over-exclusive law is nothing new. Congressmen are subject to voting pressures that make them do things that simply do not make sense. I do not make excuses for these law-makers, but actions that are subject to timely pressures, like building this fence, will have predictable problems from 'experts'. Lawmakers were subject to post 9/11 pressures to keep people out of our country, so the enacted shortsighted legislation to appease the public.

Immigration legislation was aimed at stopping terrorism, yet our own drug laws have created a market for drugs in America in which Central and South American drug producers will kill for. The Reagan Administration shipped out illegal aliens who were also gang members back to their country of origin in a max exodus in the 80s. These criminals set up gang networks that now terrorize local communities, which has caused even more illegal immigration of families looking to escape a life of violence, and the number of illegal aliens who have entered America from these drug laws is in the millions. Nothing, not even a shottily created fence, will stop them.

This documentary was frustrating, comical, maddening, and most importantly, effective at showing how pathetic our rule-makers can be. The fence that was put up cost billions (yes, with a 'b') of dollars that John and Susie Taxpayor worked hard to make.

The ironic thing is that John and Susie will sit on their couch with a Big Mac and think this is a good thing.
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