Night Wind (1999)
adults only
9 April 2015
There are films that personify the principle that movies are so called because they move, and it follows that what moves is what is shown. The image moves. Films are about showing. They then get words added and once words come along the moving about bits seem to demand that sense is made of them. Night Wind is essentially a movie in the full sense. We watch people and also listen to them. But since they never say anything interesting we never really get beyond knowing their names. A red Porsche is just as much a star as the actors. A character walks out of shot. We linger. No rush. The car speeds into the night. It goes. We stay. Life is only important at a whim. All movements are either as important or not important at all. Audiences who like conventional films might not like this. Those who understand the maxim, showing, not telling will love it. I marvelled at it.
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