A Free Ride (1915)
For Film Buffs Only
6 April 2015
A Free Ride (1915)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A man is driving home when he offers two girls a ride. He eventually pulls the car over to take care of business and soon the three are having sex. A FREE RIDE is mainly known today for being one of the earliest examples of a porn movie, although historians debate on when it was actually made. It's credited as of being made in 1915 but some like Kevin Brownlow suggest it was closer to 1923. Either way, there's really nothing here too special, although there's some morbid curiosity that helps keep it more entertaining than it actually is. I think the most enjoyable thing about the picture is the man's rather silly mustache, which keeps going all over the place. As with many films from this era, it's doubtful that any current viewer will find anything to like here. In other words, if you're a fan of porn then this here probably won't be up your alley. The film's main appeal is going to be to those film buffs who enjoy watching this old films or those who simply want to see a bit of history. The camera-work isn't all that good throughout and there's no question that the sex scenes aren't all that erotic.
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