Improv Comedy Games (2000– )
Gerry McAteer has not been credited
23 March 2015
While the show was quite entertaining I must point out that one of the best performers on the show was not credited. Gerry McAteer does not appear on the cast list and should be included immediately. The show was funny and fast paced. I am pleased that most of the comedy was clean and not toilet humour. I would have liked to see more shows but as is often the case bad comedy gets produced while good comedy confuses producers. I hope to see more of these people on TV as they are a good example of Canadian talent at work. I also think they should include a sound improviser. It seems to me unfair that Gerry was not listed in the credits. He performed some of the funniest sketches and somehow was missed. I am not sure how this oversight could have occurred but I hope it will be corrected.
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