Review of Conquer

The Walking Dead: Conquer (2015)
Season 5, Episode 16
The best finale yet, and one of the best episodes yet.
29 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
WOW. Gimple deserves a medal. He just eradicated any doubts in my mind. Gimple is the future of the show, he is the best show runner, and he's taking this show to new heights. If you look back at the season as a whole, you realize every single episode was worth the watch and weaved the story together to this ultimate finale. This was almost Breaking Bad level writing. I applaud you Gimple. The plot easily gets a 10/10. The acting was superb as always. Andrew Lincoln should be showered in rewards after this episode. Damn fine acting. Sonequa Martin-Green was perfect, and Seth Gilliam nailed the suicidal Gabriel perfectly. Everyone was on their a game. Easily a 10/10. The dialogue was very good, and as always, the Rick speeches carry out the overall message of the season to a great note. The dialogue jumped right out of the page perfectly. 10/10. The characters go through so many progressions. Comparing Carol now to old Carol is CRAZY. Rick is developing every single minute of the episode, and all the character's arches and what they've been going through has payed off, adding to the quality of the episode. 10/10. The score, for once, gets a 5/5. It was very effective here, and really set the mood. Morgan's theme is still one of the best the show has seen, and I'm glad Bear McReary is improving with each season. I'm not going to even talk about the effects, since it's an easy 5/5. The adaption of the comics was on point as always. Adapting the source material very well while adding layers that make the overall plot even better than it was in the comics. I'm serious. This was done better than in the comics. 5/5. The significance of this episode was astounding. Every character has come out a little bit changed in a way. It's the turning point for Alexandria. New story lines are in the horizon that I can't wait for all because of this episode and the actions that Rick and everyone has done for survival. 5/5 It was extremely effective, doing everything that needed to be done, and then some. 5/5. Cinematography was great. Everything flowed and looked nice. Another easy 5/5. This episode was entertaining as f*ck. Not one dull moment, and it makes you forget episodes like Still ever even happened. Great entertainment. 10/10. Editing: the editing was effective here, and it was really nice for conveying the story, and it never hindered the episode and only improved it. 5/5. This is gonna be the episode I re-watch this season. Simply put, a timeless episode. 5/5. And with that I conclude by saying, this is the first episode of The Walking Dead i'm proud to say was perfect on every single level of a TV episode. 100/100, 100%, whatever, it's a perfect episode I will remember for years to come.
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