Review of Border Run

Border Run (2012)
Check this film out...
28 March 2015
"Border Run" is a serious character study and a taut, suspenseful action thriller at once.

The subject matter itself - immigration - yields most of the suspense but director Gabriela Tagliavini manages to squeeze out every bit of tension of the premise.

The story is deeply emotional, depicting a thoroughly disturbed individual's life in hell. Sharon Stone gives an incredibly powerful performance

All aspects of film-making are top-notch, from the brilliantly subversive screenplay through vivid cinematography, masterful directing and perfectly paced editing.

I spent the entire film grabbing the arms of my seat. The tension, the suspense is at times breathtaking, literally. This movie is amazing and the definitive consecration of a great filmmaker.

Kudos for everyone involved for making this film without compromising.
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