27 March 2015
The next few posts will all be Star Wars related as I am currently doing a Star Wars marathon, the prequels through to the originals. Also to save any confusion I have skipped 'The Phantom Menace' because I watched the first half an hour of it and to be frank, apart from Liam Neeson, it was unbearable. Especially the Gungans. Anyway, back to the review.

Attack of the Clones is quite a mediocre film, regardless of whether or not it is compared to the rest of the Star Wars franchise. Let's start with the bad things: Right off the bat, some of the acting is atrocious (Specifically Hayden Christensen). Most scenes with Anakin and Padmè are cringe worthy and laughable at best, which is a shame considering that Natalie Portman is such a fantastic actress. Secondly the CGI in some scenes is horrendous, one scene I always think back to is one where Anakin makes a piece of fruit float by using the force, what makes this awful is that you can see how fake it is and that even the fruit on the table is CGI-ed. Lastly, the script. It had so much potential but a lot of the subplots were undeveloped, cheap dialogue and lacking and lack of exploration into each of the characters, mainly Anakin and Obi-Wan.

There are some good moments in this film, which are contrived mainly from: Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, Christopher Lee as Count Dooku, Sam Jackson as Mace Windu and the final battle scene. These characters and the final 45 minutes of the film made it at least bearable to watch, for every great scene with Obi-Wan there was half an hour of Anakin which really slowed the film down a lot.

Overall I believe that these first two films could have been amazing, but a mediocre script, mediocre acting and mediocre CGI made this a mediocre film.

More Reviews at: http://12yearsacinephile.tumblr.com/
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