Haunting: Australia (2014– )
Quit being cheap Syfy, GIVE US GHOST HUNTERS BACK!!
24 March 2015
Incredibly cheesy. Very poor intro music, the narrator sounds like a Hannibal Lecter knockoff. I was hoping for something much more professional and interesting. The research was almost non evident. It was something I would expect from a group of 7th graders with Dad's video camera, trying to scare each other.

Quit trying to be cheap Syfy!

This was a bomb in 2014, and it's still a stinker today. Invest the money and bring us our beloved professional back. You've been promising for three months. Am coming to the end of my patience, as I expect other paranormal enthusiasts are as well. Very soon I will be switching off SyFy for good. Especially if they think this is an acceptable level of tomfoolery, smoke and mirrors. Ridiculous.

Another SyFy leering failure. Does the Programming Department really think that insulting it's audience is an acceptable practice? If yes, heads need to roll.

Don't waste your time.
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