Review of Treehouse

Treehouse (2014)
Bad, just really really bad
22 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Bad script, cinematography, bad sound, terrible acting. I can't get 96 minutes back on my life, but wish I could. This was bad, just so horribly bad. We rented this from Redbox so my life is 96 minutes shorter and I'm $1.20 more broke. Can I just pay double and gain my 96 minutes back? Right from the beginning leaves you confused. The girl gets home and read a note from her father. First of all if there is a small child, why did the father just leave him sleeping and leave a note for his daughter? I mean seriously? Who does that? Then the girl (daughter) begins to look for her younger brother "Little Bob". I'm thinking they could have come up with a better name or made it less irritating than hear a girl call out "Little Bob? Are you there Little Bob?" So this whole scene leaves you wonder who is Little Bob, not really knowing the entire time that he is what you might have had a glimpse though of, which is a little boy.

At some point searching the house with a gun she takes off her shoes. I mean who does this? So later she is running out the back door yelling Little Bob (no not very surprise huh?). Then actually show a spot where you can see the girl step and blood squirts. You later find out its glass, but OK, what does this have to do with anything. I thought maybe it would play out later. I guess if you notice she can't walk at one point it did, but more less served no purpose.

So then it shows the main kid getting picked on my a bully. Later the older brother beats the bully up right when the mom is pulling up to pick the kids up. What was the point of this? It is not really part of any of the rest of the story. If you are trying to build up something of history with the 2 brothers it could have been effectively done much better.

Then the boys going riding on a motocross bike. Then walk thru the forest and try to reach friends on a 2 way radio. There was a part where they really point out a bear trap. Then bear trap was barely used later.

When the reach the tree house it is very high they climb. Find the girl who was looking for her little bob brother and the big brother attempts to go get help and is never seen from again...except close to the end you see a body hanging on a wooden cross that is assumed to be him when his little brother picks up a necklace.

Days go by...I mean seriously, you just gonna sit there and die? There is also the assumption there was some kind of creatures when the 2 were in the tree house, but those so called creatures I guess magically turn into boys....boys who never talk throughout the entire movie. I mean who writes this crap? The ending was my favorite part (totally sarcastic). The move was barely OK up until this part, then the script and acting goes horribly south and really screws up the entire horrible movie making it much worse than it was ever intended. Oh it was awesome, they ran in the road some sheriff almost hits them. But instead swerves and hits the mountain. Blood slatterns and you know he is dead. Cmon writers, this is bad, just bad. Who dies like that. It didn't even look like he hit that hard. No airbag? Seriously? This is a cop vehicle. They are designed to withstand a little impact. OK enough about that...they go up grab the offers handgun and shoot one of the kids.

oh yes, I did forget the girl gets knocked out by the biggest kid, and the hero stabs him with the kids knife...oh oh oh....and he stabs the really big kid and the really big kid pulls the knife out and laughs. Now back to the then magically the Tonto cover on the truck pops up...the hero makes like its a dead body or something then says you need to take a look a this to the girl. Girl comes over, they see a couple of assault rifles with evidence bags. They grab the rifles, awkward sudden kiss, look back toward the forest and says I'm going to wait for you, hell yes baby bear. Oh my...can't believe I got through writing that without breaking out in tears from laughter. I mean really....who seriously writes crap this bad? Avoid this movie at all costs.

So the
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