That awful music!!
21 March 2015
"Walking on Air" is a reasonably enjoyable piece of fluff punctuated with some awful music. Without the music, it would be an agreeable time-passer.

Kit Bennett (Ann Sothern) is a rich girl with lousy taste in men. Not surprisingly, they aren't particularly impressed by her new boyfriend. So, to get their approval of the guy, she pretends to be in love with an absolutely awful person--so the boyfriend would look great compared to this new guy. So she hires Pete (Gene Raymond) to play an annoying French member of the nobility. However, the family soon realizes Pete's a phony and they pretend to like him just to irritate Kit and upset her plans. In the process, it's not surprising that she falls for Pete.

Overall, this is a very slight but reasonably enjoyable film which is seriously marred by some of the blandest and dullest music you could imagine. And, because there's a lot of music, the film is pretty tough going at times.
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