French/Italian sexploitation potboiler
17 March 2015
One of the numerous early '70s sex comedies which feature mythical heroes (Maciste, Zorro, etc) engaging in sexual escapades with a series of beautiful (usually Italian) women. Yes, there are lots of naked women on offer in this movie but not really that much of a plot. Technically the film is perfect, very colourful and with excellent sets and lighting, but let's face it - who cares about the scenery when all these naked and half-naked women are on view? With this French-Italian offering, you can be sure there's not long to wait before another nubile young woman parades herself before the camera.

The lead role of Ali Baba is played as a mischievous and excitable young man by the British-born Alan Barker, who never went on to fame of any sort. However, I have to admit that he does look good in the role and probably comes closest to how most people think Ali Baba would look. As for the supporting cast, well most of the men are portrayed as bumbling idiots getting into all sorts of scrapes (complete with comedy-style music) and the women aren't exactly required to act. The plot sees Ali going from one woman to the next until he ends up falling from a window, and then some woman makes an aphrodisiac potion or something and the film ends with everybody sleeping together. This is mildly amusing stuff, but nothing to go out of your way to see, but at eighty minutes in length it never becomes boring or dull. It's just okay.
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