Horrible Part 4
11 March 2015
Horrible show... and the titles of the episodes on Fox.com are so bad... I looked at the latest one to give the show 1 more chance being that they have had 7 more episodes to figure it out... however the title is called. Kids survive the darnedest things. Well.. throughout the entire episode there is maybe 2 clips out of the 30 that actually have kids in the clips.. So why have kids in the title when in fact kids are only in 5% of the entire episode... Just saying... this show is SO bad on every level, I feel bad for Terry crews. You throw him up on stage with some of the stupidest clips ever, i mean they are just Bland and horrible. Not even funny and expect him to make the show? Come on Fox... whats the budgets for this show? 20 grand? for the year? Maybe pay your employees more and you'll find more quality people wanting to work for you... Cause it looks like the person you hired to first off find the clips.. is a monkey sitting on you tube and sharing every 10th video he comes across no matter whats its about. Fire the entire staff of this show. None of them deserve a job. Horrible. (Poor Terry Crews)
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