Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014 Video Game)
Worst in the franchise
10 March 2015
This is by far the worst call of duty in the franchise. If you can call it a call of duty as it seems to be a blatant rip off of a much better titanfall. By trying to re invent the multiplayer so as to avoid the same previous issues the developers have in fact made the multiplayer experience worse & a lot of the time unplayable. Why? Well it's simple. Poor Match making, lag, spawning & in game Imbalances. Treyarch who made black ops & black ops 2 started out with similar issues but they listened to the community & fixed their issues leading to a very much improved & better game. With AW you have a few guns that are massively over powered & used by 90% of players, maps that are too small lack depth & cover, people jumping around everywhere using the copied exo suits from Titan fall & lag that at times is so crippling you just want to turn the game off & snap the disc in half. Skill based matchmaking is another mechanic programmed into the game that turn a previously very good player into an average player, purely because 90% of the time you are playing on servers 2-3 thousand miles away from your location which means you're always a second behind in actual gameplay giving you no chance to have a positive KD. Treyarch had this problem too with black ops 2 but introduced a sensible solution by allowing the gamer to select the region he/she was closest too therefore giving him a better connection & more enjoyable experience. With Advance warfare it seems the massive issues the hardcore gamers keep relentlessly pointing out fall on deaf ears as sledgehammer & activision ignore the core issues plaguing the game in favour of offering more overpowering guns at a cost & luring gamers into spending more hard earned money buying silly cameo packs & more maps that are either too small or lack any depth or thought & seemed to have been designed on someone's coffee break. 4-5 months after the game's release the developers have still to fix the lag issues that make this COD the worst in the franchise & honestly I don't think they ever will..why? Very simple money. Why should they? Gamers have already paid $500 million dollars giving the execs nice big bonuses & while the single player campaign draws praise for its innovation & enjoyability & rightly so after completion that can take only a few hours most gamers will lose interest .It's the multiplayer that keeps hardcore gamers coming back for more & I'm afraid sledgehammer & activision this chapter does not have the appeal or longevity as with previous titles. The developers may have won this round but rest assured if they are allowed to make another COD in 3 years time the multiplayer will need to be considerably better that the unplayable mess they've made this time. Solution...Titanfall.
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