Death Factory (2014)
I gave it a chance..
16 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love my horror films and I can enjoy the B-movies but I literally had to force myself to sit through this entire film.

The acting was sub-par and the casting of characters was terrible with over the top, extreme stereotyping. I would of even went as far as saying whomever designed those characters is a bigot.

The plot was not overly complicated initially to follow, but the story went from somewhat understandable and ended up into the bat s**t crazy territory. I honestly have no idea what the ending was trying to convey.

Someone should of told the script writer to use the KISS principle and not over complicate the plot. Now to go look for my next horror movie to watch :D

===Spoiler Alert=== If you enjoy movies about a group of misguided social rejects, trekking across a desert area in a bus for no apparent reason just to die. You might have a reason to start watching it. However, the whole part where we get 6 dead serial killers summoned so we can play a game of "Highlander" and the victor of the fight takes their "power" (which this film explains really nothing about that), makes it really hard to stick with the movie. ==End Spoiler==
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