A unique and enjoyable medieval action/adventure movie
16 March 2015
Brian Helgeland's "A Knight's Tale" is a medieval adventure story with a twist. Heath Ledger plays a peasant who assumes the identity of a nobleman in order to compete as a jouster. The twist is that anachronistic elements are purposely introduced into the movie in order to give it a flavour not unlike a contemporary sports movie.

This approach is perhaps most apparent in the classic rock soundtrack that features well chosen tracks from the likes of Queen, Thin Lizzy & Sly and the Family Stone. The dialogue is also a successful mixture of period and modern English. The costuming also employs an intriguing mixture of old and new styles.

The liberties taken with history may rub some viewers the wrong way but I think that they set the movie apart from the many others that are set in the same time-frame. Helgeland's script also incorporates Geoffrey Chaucer as a character, which is a nice touch. I feel that the movie may not capitalize on its unique approach to the fullest extent but the story is generally enjoyable, so it isn't a major problem.

Though the movie was mainly a starring vehicle for Heath Ledger the supporting cast was obviously assembled with care. Ledger's band of merry men includes Alan Tudyk, Mark Addy and Paul Bettany, fine actors all. Rufus Sewell is effective as the villain of the piece while James Purefoy makes a welcome appearance as well. Female lead Shannyn Sossamon is a bit of weak link as far as I'm concerned but her maid is pre-"The Artist" Berenice Bejo.

Visually, the movie is attractive, if not especially so. Helgeland's strength lies in writing (as evidenced by his Oscar for "L.A. Confidential") but his directorial skills are not to be dismissed. Musically, the movie's soundtrack is nicely chosen while the supporting score is functional without making much of an impression.

Overall, "A Knight's Tale" proves to be an enjoyable period movie enlivened by some modern touches. The presentation may be more adventurous than the story itself but the movie ably fulfils its function as light entertainment.
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