Uh oh, there goes the neighborhood....
10 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Picture Snoopy and the Red Baron in a tropical setting, both shooting each other out of the sky and landing in paradise. Don't you already feel sorry for the island natives? In this case, it's lead by an English speaking man who is a fair ruler, judging one man for theft by making sure that the victim of theft is given a supply of fish to replace what the thief stole. Then there's the native man who abused his wife, almost comical because she appears to be Ma Kettle in size to his Pa. The peaceful island landscape is further influenced by a song of peace sung by the leader's darkly complected daughter (Inez Cooper) whose number is immediately followed by a battle in the sky between a good as apple pie American and the typically evil German who sees an opportunity to disturb the peace of the Pacific landscape.

Before long, the Nazi is causing all sorts of problems, and being initially unaware of a World War going on outside around them, the islanders at first leave him free to roam the island. He's doing all he can to cause distention, and that means taunting the American (Edward Norris) into attacking him. But the islanders have wizened up to his motives, and a romance has occurred between Norris and Cooper. The Nazi manages to contact nearby Japanese fighters who prepare to attack the island to take it over as a base. All this and more occurs in under an hour, making this pretty innocuous fun with an obviously fake island setting that makes "Gilligan's Island" seem like it was filmed right on the South Pacific. Yet, these Monogram programmers were often more enjoyable than some of what the A studios were doing, and many of them hold up perfectly fine, even those which I give low ratings to.
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