well, where do i start ?
25 February 2015
I am a mixed Romanian/English citizen with parents from both countries and I can actually say that this was painful !

Its true Romanian does have areas that frankly you are afraid to walk through but !!! most of it is a normal country with normal people. Why do people try to move their political agendas by making documentaries that portray the bottom of the barrel ?

If you go though the UK, you will find similar people that are British and live in similar conditions !

I for example have a degree, a job, a house, a English wife, my friends are of mixed races ranging from Romanian, African, British, Oriental and all of them function well in the society, contribute and to be frank if we didn't need immigrants why are we letting them in ?

The person sitting at home claiming benefits because they cant be asked to work: WHO DO YOU THINK PAYS FOR YOUR BENEFITS ?

In conclusion quite a few (birth) Brits were disappointed with this weak attempt to denigrate a nation of hard working people !
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