Review of Fury

Star Trek: Voyager: Fury (2000)
Season 6, Episode 23
They brought Kes back for this?!?
3 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I would consider "Fury" among the worst of the episodes of "Star Trek: Voyager". For some inexplicable reason, they brought the character Kes back, which wasn't a bad idea, but how they handled this was a HUGE disappointment. When I first saw this episode when it debuted, I hated it. Now, after seeing it again, I realize that first impressions are often on the mark.

When the show begins, Kes appears on the viewscreen and asks permission to come aboard the ship. However, she deliberately flies the ship into Voyager and then walks about the ship using her super- duper mind powers destroying things. She is impervious to phasers and she seems intent on destroying everyone aboard. However, the episode then does some stupid temporal crap and the episode goes back and forth in time--a sure sign that the show stinks. This plot device has been used way too many times and here it's used to give us TWO Kes at the same time--one which is evil Kes and the other nice old Kes. It's all very confusing and ultimately culminates with evil Kes once again attacking the ship in the exact same fashion but this time Janeway meets her and convinces Kes that Voyager loves her and she's mistaken to be so mad at them. Kes apologizes and disappears and everyone is happy!

The episode is weary and dumb. There is absolutely no reason for Kes to be back and certainly no reason for her to be an angry super- being. This anger is inexplicable and must have really irritated many fans who liked this character. Why make her evil?! Why bring her back with a completely sub-standard plot?! Overall, a terrible show and one that left me irritated.
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