Entertainingly Humorous, 'My Girlfriend Is An Agent' Proves to be a Successful Comedy, Though its Attempts at Articulating Romance Occasionally Appears Awkwardly Peculiar
28 February 2015
The opening to My Girlfriend Is An Agent is certainly one that will not be forgotten in a hurry. Ahn Su-Ji (Kim Ha-Neul) is a brilliant spy who spends her life undercover, unbeknownst to her boyfriend, Lee Jae-Joon (Kang-Ji-Hwan), who doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to realize something is amiss. Later when the film explores the history of their relationship, the layers of lies that Lee was able to discover add to the hilarity of the situation, though at the beginning, he only wishes to escape.

Unable to get Ahn on the phone, who, as he is venturing towards the plane that will take him far from home, is on an assignment, he viciously blasts her voice mail. When Ahn eventually completes her mission, she rushes to the airport, only to discover that Lee has already left, a situation that is as emotionally involved as it is humorous. Although the film often combines more than one emotion into many of its scenes, despite the well executed delivery by the actors, the romantic storyline is produced in the most perplexing manner.

Three years later, Ahn has discovered love in the arms of another man, however, this relationship is about to enter dangerous terrain. Though Ahn continues to be employed as an agent, little does she realize that Lee has, over the course of his time abroad, become an agent as well - albeit, not a very good one. In fact, to call him a terrible field agent would be an insult to all terrible field agents.

Much of the humor comes through his inability to complete a mission to the professional standard, a number of uniquely humorous occurrences providing several refreshingly comedic scenarios. However his shocking skills as an agent become even more unprofessional when he and Ahn unfortunately bump into each other, unwittingly working the exact same case from different angles. Her immediate reaction, which is repeated over the course of the feature, is, well, to call it 'rage' would be a bit of an understatement.

Finding themselves in such close proximity time and time again, the feelings they once held for each other begin to plague the case. Lee often appears hypocritical, having left Ahn for failing to provide him with the truth, yet he is unable to do the same to her, expecting their relationship to simply begin once more, even though he initiated the break-up. Ahn on the other hand, who, as aforementioned, has found love with another suitor, appears emotionally unhinged, her inability to restrain herself from pursuing Lee contradicting her unflinching professionalism.

Constantly they find themselves in awkward scenarios, and eventually even begin to suspect one another as been enemy agents, their mixed feelings reflecting unbridled passion one minute, and utter loathing the next. Forcing them into situations that often leads to ensuring violence does allow the audience to feel more attached to the characters, for at any moment tragedy could strike its chord.

Although both actors are as humorous as they are entertaining in their roles, it is often Lee's boss, Won-Seok (Ryoo Seung-Ryong) who is the most effective character of all. A well respected macho man who is forced to continuously suffer Lee's inadequacy's out in the field, his attitude and facial expressions are a joy to watch, though beneath all of this bravado is a truly honorable character.

The opening of the film prepares the viewer for a truly entertaining experience, and despite a unique blend of humor, action and characterization been applied, the rest of the film occasionally feels as though it is unable to live up to the potential exhibited at the beginning. The film's conclusion moreover feels as unnecessary as it does awkward, as though the creator's were unsure where else to situate it. This aside, My Girlfriend Is An Agent will surely entertain a wealth of audiences; though if the movie were in fact a cake, by the end, you may in fact be hungry for something a little easier to swallow.
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