Review of A.N.T. Farm

A.N.T. Farm (2011–2014)
The keystone to what Disney Channel is today
25 February 2015
What is going on with Disney Channel right now? Well after seeing (most of) this show I can sadly say that it has become the epitome of how I view Disney Channel.

I can't even say something good to give it some justice. So what this show is it's a comedy that has a lousy script that makes it effortless for the writers to do work. These writers don't have a clue on how to write kids and what their social life is. Since it is a channel for teens, preteens, or maybe even children watch this garbage, the "actors" have to be at the same brain level as the target audience even if the adults have to act like children and not real people.

The main part is to keep the audience at least captivated for a half of an hour and to just have lame boring humor that only a young child could laugh at. I can't see anyone my age (17) or older to actually laugh and care for this show. Ultimately there are going to be people that doesn't agree with me but the characters are as bad as the flat jokes that exhale through their lungs. I can't really say for their acting capabilities since the directors doesn't really put forth any effort. Their young and barely inexperienced but I don't have any remorse for the adults that may have actually took acting classes. Though they don't have much of a script to work with it's still the whole thing has to be a team effort therefore it doesn't work for me.

One thing with Disney Channel these days is to take their young stars and cash in the success what brings to them. After take in the next in line to be celebrity and who knows what will happen to them after. They picked China a youthful girl that would already become a success on her own, but chose this career instead. They haven't done anything spectacular and will be surprised to see any brilliance come upon them later in their acting career.

I can't relate to the characters, it has no redeeming jokes, directing is lazy including the writing, and the acting can't even come off as a school play. I'm not able to recommend this to anyone that is older than a toddler because believe it or not if the channel had a face it would be A.N.T. Farm with no questions asked.

Now I haven't gone in detail on what doesn't work in this show and for good reason because you see if I did that would mean that I take up more room and time for you to read my thoughts on A.N.T. Farm. So if you are still curious on seeing how bad it really is and why this was a particularly short rant on this subject. Than if you still want to see for your self in the nonsense than don't come back at all.
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