Dead Still (2014)
Cheesy, B-Horror Goodness! AKA I Liked It! :)
22 February 2015
Sometimes one wants to see an amazing movie and sometimes one sets off on their journey to find something a little cheesy, a gory and a little engaging, this was the journey I was on when I sought out this movie. And it satisfied the craving.

It was everything I expect: Acting was ridiculous at times, but awesome at others. Effects were amazingly over-the-top. It has that made-for-TV feel, but yet it exceeds the vast majority of made-for-TV quality out there. Plus it was based on actual practices of days of yore. (Although NOT banking on historical accuracy which is a shame.)

In fact, if I did have a moment of let down it would probably be that they chose not to exploit the actual, TRUE history of 'Death Cameras' and their original practices in the past. But then again maybe that would have made me expect a more 'serious' tone in the film as a result and alter my opinion on this film entirely, so on second thought, maybe the embellishment was a creative take that was needed for this film to succeed.

All in all, not an awful watch if you're going in it for cheesy, visually gory fun! Felt a few of the reviews were a bit harsh given it's a low budget venture, but I digress.
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