Star Trek: Voyager: Mortal Coil (1997)
Season 4, Episode 12
Neelix is dead....hooray!
21 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
On a mission in a runabout, Neelix is killed...but apparently not seriously. When he is brought back to Voyager and they're talking about funeral arrangements, Seven of Nine tells everyone she CAN bring him back from the dead since it's only been 18 hours since he assumed room temperature. She is successful and everyone is happy. Neelix, after a while, isn't. After all, during the time he was dead he never experienced what he thought Talaxian heaven should be. He remembers nothing...and this creates a big crisis of faith. Later, with the help of Chakotay, he goes on a 'vision quest' and learns nothing to make him feel better. For Neelix, life sucks and he feels no reason to go on- -so he begins saying his goodbyes but the crew is apparently too dim to realize that he's about to off himself. Can he be saved from himself?

The idea of a crisis of faith is excellent for the show. But why does every single problem get met with Chakotay and his pseudo- American Indian mumbo-jumbo?! The ship could really use a minister, rabbi, witch doctor, priest, guru, imam or whatever and it does seem odd that on the Trek shows there isn't someone to go to for spiritual advice other than the second in command!

So is all this any good? It all depends. I wanted Neelix to stay dead, but that's just my bias against Neelix since I find him a bit annoying. Others, however, might like this one more than I did.
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