Reflects the quality of the books
19 February 2015
Lets get couple things out of the way for the Hunger Games lovers. I am an avid movie go-er and enjoy great deal of fiction books. I have read all 3 books as well as watch the other 2 movies.

If you read the book you would have seen this coming from this series. While first 2 books keep a good balance between inner dialog and the plot, the last book was emotional driven swamp that almost slowed the plot to a stop. (forgive me ladies) It read like the writer was going through her menopause for the entire 3rd book. It was just that bad, the only motivation that had me finish the book was my desire to end the series. The books series was clearly written by a inferior writer than the recent book-to-movie authors. The movie was accordingly was horrendous.

Instead of introducing the character's feelings while the plot unfolds, the writer chooses to keep the reader on the character's emotional roller-coaster while giving vague news about the actual plot (revolution). The characters have no depth to them and the plot plays too close to archetypes.

The movie was barely not worth watching therefore a 4. There isn't the quality or the quantity of action to be a serviceable action/adventure and the low quality of the actors/actresses doesn't save the terrible writing. The camera work or the directing isn't top shelf by any means, might be one of the worst big budget work I've seen in decades. I tried to like the book, I tried to like this movie but there is just no redeeming quality about either.
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