Not what I was expecting and I mean that in a good way.
16 February 2015
As some of us know, "apostasy" or "an apostate" is a recognisable phrase that dates all the way back and means "somebody who has lost their faith" either in religion or in a cause etc.Throughout the centuries this has taken many different forms and I think it's safe to say that Director/Producer Andy Dodd has set a new tone for its meaning.

The story follows Lance, who wakes up in a 'rest-room' with no idea of who he is or how he got there. Flash-forward to a police interview room where inspector Andrews is interviewing him, trying to 'coax' out the truth.

This is when the movie takes a completely different twist than what you would expect out of an indie film of this ilk. The truths that come out during the course of the movie will shock you. This movie not only f**ks with your mind psychologically making you do double takes and shake your head in a mixture of disbelief and disgust while saying to yourself "You gotta be kidding me...really?!" but it also hits you right afterward with a good dose of blood and gore.

Why not a 10 you ask? Well that's mainly because to see a 10 usually sets off the alarms that a review has been submitted biased. Me, I enjoyed this film from beginning to end, as I love my psychologically disturbing films just as much as I love my torture gore movies...and the Apostate delivers a blissful combination of both. I am an opinionated curmudgeon, and ALWAYS have something negative to say about where an indie horror flick could have tightened up this or that, but at the end, every end was tied up, the conclusion was satisfying "now I know why Lance was in that damn room!" -it was easily the best indie horror film I have seen in the past few years. Zero budget - great inventiveness. Some of the digital effects were not great, but the practical effects looked real enough. It could do with a 'trim' at the beginning.

Jay Bryhan who plays Lance deserves a standing ovation and a projectile vomit or two for the fantastic performances he gives, which make the film as genuine as it is.
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