Seventh Son (I) (2014)
A fun fantasy movie filled with clichés
15 February 2015
Seventh Son exceeded my expeditions by a great deal. I had no high hopes for this movie in the first place but I thought it would at least be a cheesy, clichéd, fantasy movie that just might be good. Well, it definitely was clichéd and slightly cheesy but I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would.

First off, the story and plot were pretty basic. The movie certainly had its cheesy one-liners and the plot definitely was very clichéd with the typical good vs. evil and a "nobody" boy needs to fulfill his destiny. But other than that, the story and plot were pretty basic and didn't require much thinking. I, for one, understood what was happening for most of the time. There were moments in the movie that just happened and then weren't explained at all. Those were the moments where I was like, "So why did that happen?"

The acting... was not that bad actually. I was particularly impressed with Ben Barnes in the lead role. Julianne Moore was a pretty good evil witch and all the other supporting actors and actresses fit surprisingly well in their roles. The real downfall though is Jeff Bridges. His acting was just kind of terrible I have to admit. His voice was the main problem, it being almost inaudible. I suppose he wanted to embrace Master Gregory's scruffy manner, but it did not really work out.

Now about the actual seeing and hearing. The music was kind of that usual epic fantasy music, but none the less it fit well with the movie. Before I start on visual effects, I want to say that the color correction on this movie in the trailers looked quite ugly, but it turns out that the actual movie is just fine, especially on a big screen. Anyway, the visual effects were generally pretty good. Judging by the trailers and my own instincts, I thought they were going to be, at best, mediocre. But it turns out they were quite good. There were some moments where I thought "Yup, they definitely used green screen for that shot" or there were moments were the VFX themselves were just not quite finished or not good in general. But all in all, they were actually pretty good.

In the end, Seventh Son is an extremely fun, cheesy adventure movie that is worth seeing in theaters. If you go in with low expectations or an open mind, you will enjoy it immensely.
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