The Flash: The Nuclear Man (2015)
Season 1, Episode 13
Flame On
10 February 2015
Tonight, we finally got an in depth look into the Firestorm character. I'm not too familiar with his comic book counterpart, but I do know the idea of two separate humans combining into one is pretty fascinating. With that being said, the episode fell a little short in that department, but was definitely increasingly interesting in Barry's mother's case.

Detective West and Cisco decided to take on new evidence at Barry's old house, now occupied by who we should presume to be Joe's new love interest. I'm not sure how I feel about a mirror that takes pictures, but when you have a man that can run faster than a speeding bullet, I guess all sense of what can be real is lost. It was revealed that Barry's older self was indeed at the crime scene that night years ago. It doesn't come as a shock as it seems the writers are going the 'Flashpoint' route with the murder. Will this eliminate the detectives gripe on Dr. Wells? Hopefully not, it only took Oliver Queen 5 minutes to realize something was up with that guy, so I would think a detective can follow his gut.

Joe wasn't the only one getting a new love interest, as Barry is now dating Linda. Something still seems a little sketchy with her but it's nice to see Barry going after somebody other than Iris. Speaking of her, she has become more and more unlikable. Going out of her way to try and break Barry and his girlfriend up is not something you do to your best friend. If you actually have feelings for him, then talk to him about it. Where's Eddie by the way? Something that was nice to see was Wells doing something for his crew. I think it's clear he does have some sort of affection for all of them if he's willing to sacrifice his plan for the well being of Caitlin.

So Barry from the future huh? As much as I thought Firestorm looked cool, that storyline has yet to grab my attention. It was just weird watching him try and interact with people as Stein. I did like how his back-story was explained and at least made sense this time.

+Wells' unselfish action

+Barry from the future


-Awkward Firestorm interactions


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