"One hellacious story"
9 February 2015
Some cases Jim Rockford does for $200.00 a day plus expenses. But there are some that he gets dragged into one way or another. This particular episode has James Garner dragged in when the son of an old friend comes to his empty trailer looking for help and a neighbor witnesses a kidnapping.

Bill Thornbury who was the student does leave his automobile there which gives Garner a starting edge. Thornbury was a journalism student and on to what Garner describes as 'one hellacious story' without even knowing all the facts. Frances Lee McCain who was his faculty adviser and a bit more continues on albeit with a little push from Garner.

The villain of the piece is campus security chief Kenneth Tobey who's a scary dude. But there are a couple of guys with Middle Eastern accents who scare Tobey a lot more than Tobey scares Garner with a clumsy attempt at a frame up for a rape charge.

Young Mr. Thornbury who did turn up dead on a beach was indeed on to one hellacious story. What it was you have to see this well done Rockford Files episode for.
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