Iliza Shlesinger: War Paint (2013 TV Special)
I want to like her but I just can't stand it. How can people like this humor?
29 January 2015
I have tried, I have watched her stuff. not just this one here. it;s just awful.

I would feel so cheated if I had actually bought a ticket, I feel cheated now that I have only wasted time.

It's difficult to write ten lines of things without just being horribly mean but I guess I will try. Seems to me, if you were to pick say, three other comedians from anywhere on the circuit or whatever you might call it, from any time line between 1950 and 2015 and show them to someone who has never ever seen any stand up in their entire life, that person would be able to pick out this comedian as the worst in the bunch.

Timing,material,sound effects, I mean c'mon! how did this even get to the point of going on the road? It;s like the publics being tested to see if anyone can be a stand up comedian or something. Is that what it is? I am guessing I passed and the answer is NO, they can't.
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