Doctor Who: Time Crash (2007 TV Short)
A near-masterpiece in 8 minutes
1 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This little 8-minute special, which exists chronologically right between the third and the fourth seasons of "Doctor Who", is quite possibly the best thing that the new series has offered us so far. I laughed out loud, I cried (I've never even watched a single episode of the old series - and yet David Tennant's "All my love to long ago" at the end had more emotional power than, say, the Doctor-Rose farewell scenes at the end of "Doomsday"), I had my mind boggled in a way only "Blink" (also written by Steven Moffat) had managed to do before, and I admired the subtle way Tennant breaks out of character at the end to express his own personal feelings. This special celebrates not only a part of "Doctor Who" history, but also the past in general, the things that shape and define us. The ONLY reason I'm deducting half a star is because of the reference to L.I.N.D.A: first of all, how could the Fifth Doctor know about them, and second of all, who wants to be reminded of the worst episode of the entire series ("Love And Monsters") while they are watching the best (this one)? ***1/2 out of 4.
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