Review of Live Bait

The Walking Dead: Live Bait (2013)
Season 4, Episode 6
What Has The Governor Been Up To?
28 January 2015
This is the sixth episode of the fourth season of the Walking Dead. It was a decent episode, highlighted by the return of the sadistic Governor, who doesn't seem so sadistic in this episode. But we get to see what he has been up to since his rage against the Woodbury army. The episode on the whole is slow and it takes time to tell the story, when compared to the prison story arc. It's not as strong of an episode, but I liked it.

In this episode, "Live Bait," The Governor, now named Brian is on the road trying to survive after being abandoned by his remaining henchmen. He meets this small family, whom resembles a family of one he had. He bonds with the two young adult women, and the one autistic girl.

Overall, this was a solid episode. It takes a slight reprieve from the prison arc and we see that the Governor is still alive and will factor in somehow with Rick's group some point this season. It's not the greatest episode thanks to the tepid pace, but the story itself is still compact and worth watching. I rate this episode 8/10.
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