All's Well (1941)
While only watchable All's Well(to me) is still one of the better Gabby cartoons
24 January 2015
As a non-Gabby cartoons fan but an admirer of Fleischer, I wasn't expecting very much but actually got better than expected. All's Well is not great still, it overall is only in watchable-decent category, but for a Gabby cartoon it's one of the better and funnier ones.

It's true that the story is as thin as ice and incredibly silly, even for a Gabby cartoon, it also gets off to a slow start(the first minute-and-a-half or so is pretty much Gabby singing the title tune) and ends very predictably. The action does get rather repetitive save the behaviour of the baby, the dialogue is almost humourless and not very memorable and while Gabby actually has good intentions this time round he still comes across as an annoying and unapologetic know-it-all who almost resorts to violence to achieve his goal, it's a shame really to see that one of the better characters in 1939's Gulliver's Travels turned into one of Fleischer's most annoyingly unlikeable characters when the main character.

The animation is wonderful though, it's fluidly drawn with mellow colours and simple but detailed backgrounds. The music is even better, with the catchy(if slightly over-exposed in this cartoon) title tune, lively rhythms and lush melodic writing and orchestration it could be seen as the heart and soul of the cartoon, it's certainly where the most energy comes from and it synchronises with the action very well indeed. All's Well stands out as one of the funnier Gabby cartoons, once the baby gets introduced the action quickly picks up to breakneck speed and the baby's actions is where all the humour comes from. The good news also is that it's funny humour(never enough to split the sides though). The baby is adorable and hilariously feisty, another example in a Gabby cartoon where the supporting character makes much more of an impression than Gabby himself.

Overall, All's Well is only mildly decent at best but is elevated by the animation, music and the baby. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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