A Wonderful Lesson for Us All
22 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard sometimes to look at space and its vastness and not get incredibly depressed about how little we matter in the universe. This makes it abundantly clear that we really are tiny speck, so far from everything that our chances of ever knowing anything about our neighbors is hopeless. Still, what this is about is the wonder of that universe and how we inhabit it and explore it and never let ourselves become complacent. What is sad is all the blood that has flowed because of our pettiness or our lust for power or our place on the globe (desert places versus lush green verdant places). This episode focuses on the two Voyage spacecraft that will carry our story for at least a billion years, in hopes that some really advanced planetary entity will find it floating at 40,000 miles per hour. Ultimately, Tyson tells us that this is it. All we have is on this beautiful blue marble, set in a galaxy that is enormous but only one of a thousand billion other galaxies. We can only do the best we can as we navigate life. Personally, I'm not terribly optimistic about our prospects. We have pillaged and wasted our chances. We have overpopulated our planet. Religion has done good things, but, in my view, has caused way more damage than good. And, ultimately, those who want power don't usually use it for good. Still, enjoy every day you have.
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