The Kids Are All Right- 5 Category Review
21 January 2015
It is my firm belief that the overall quality of a film can be determined by its effectiveness in 5 categories: Screenplay/Plot, Directing, Acting, Cinematography/Visual/Sound Effects, and Score/Soundtrack. Too often do we ignore the greatness a film has in one aspect because of the poorness it may have in another.

I try to be as vague as I can with my reviews, to avoid spoilers of any kind, while still being informative as to what I found good and poor within a film. Here's my take on 'The Kids Are All Right'

Visual Components/Cinematography: 4/10- Nothing to write home about. No effects, though it wasn't really necessary to begin with. Nothing special in regards to the cinematography, costume, makeup, art direction or set design. For this kind of film, you'd except at least a little creativity with the cinematography and the sad part about it is that the most creative they got with it was in the opening credits.

Audio Components/Score/Soundtrack: 3.5/10- Another disappointing aspect to this film. What really enhances a lot of these great comedy dramas is the music, and it was noticeably lacking here. No one is necessarily screaming for a unique and dramatic score but dear God at least put some effort into the soundtrack.

Acting: 6.5/10- Quite clearly the highlight of the film. Everyone did a job well done, and the film really benefited particularly from the performances from Annette Bening and Mia Wasikowska. The characters felt like they had a sense of realism and depth associated with them, and this was more so due to the performances than the writing.

Screenplay/Story: 3.5/10- Wow, that's about all I can say, and not a good Wow might I add. The premise is intriguing and filled with potential but all the potential was squashed from pure laziness and illogical character interactions.

Direction: 3/10-The main point of directing is to make the most out of what you are given. Lisa Cholodenko failed here. I felt as though there was no real effort or passion put into this, and if there was then it was a failure.

Overall: 4.1/10 Considering the basic premise, cast, and overall praise this film received, it's safe to say that it is one of the most disappointing films from 2010. Want a showcase of powerful acting? Go ahead and watch this. Want a positive stimulus in any other aspect of filmmaking? Skip this one.
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