20 January 2015
Any movie like this will have detractors. There will also be people who say it is the perfect movie. It is not the perfect movie, but it doesn't need to be. Is that what we need when we go to the cinema, perfection? Perfect people? It's the fact that we are imperfect beings that makes us so interesting.

American Hustle is the story of love won and love lost, a story of politicians and con-men, a story of the area between good and bad. But don't let me bore you, it's really just an adventure. Enough realism that you never roll your eyes, enough drama and comedy that you never feel bored, enough of a story that you never feel lost in a self-serving film. But it is self serving. I can see how people would be bored. And I can see people rolling their eyes at some of it.

In the end, it will be what you want it to be. If you want to be entertained, you will be. If you want to trash movies on IMDb because they don't conform to your worldview, whatever that may be, this is the perfect movie for you! Beauty lies in imperfection. This movie has a lot of beauty on every level, and that's what makes it great.
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