Target Snafu (1944)
The second of three Snafus dealing with mosquitoes and malaria
20 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the shorts in the Private Snafu series of training films done under contract with the US Army during World War II. There will be spoilers ahead:

This short is done from the "enemy's" point of view, the enemy in this case being mosquitoes carrying malaria. The mosquitoes are seen going through the same process used by the US to create, train and equip the forces sent into action in World War II. Many of the set pieces used in World War II movies of the period (a recruit bidding farewell to his girl, army physicals, training drills and so on) are shown here.

The ultimate target for the mission which is being planned is the titular "hero" of the series, one Private Snafu, who makes what is essentially a glorified cameo toward the end, his sole dialog a scream when the mosquitoes strike his bare and exposed behind. The scene showing Snafu in the hospital, going through malarial infection, is nicely done.

The mission a success, the squadron returns to base and is decorated for its efforts. The medal's designation is funny. By the way, if you've seen the Warner Brothers short, Of Thee I Sting, you've seen much of the footage here, which was used in that short with the addition of color.

This short is available on various DVDs and also online. It's well worth seeing. Recommended.
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