Review of High School

High School (I) (2010)
Nothing New or Funny
30 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is, as far as stoner movies go, kind of ingenious, but High School rushes through the parts it should savor and then pads out its runtime with filler elsewhere — and, less forgivably, it doesn't make getting high look like fun. The stoner comedy as a genre has few requirements other than summoning up a THC haze and being generally good-natured, but High School leaves you feeling like the sober person at a party, wincing at how everyone's acting and wondering if that's how you look when under the influence. This may be because that's how Henry feels all the time — he's a tightly wound scold who belongs to that wan breed of recent high school protagonists (see It's Kind of a Funny Story and The Art of Getting By) who seem on the verge of implosion thanks to some vague, self-imposed psychological distress.

The hollow-eyed Henry reunites with Travis, who is leading a seemingly parentless life on a perpetual high, after nearly running into him in the parking lot and instead hitting the principal's car and earning a detention. "You come to see how the other half lives?" sneers Travis, who's stuck there too. It rings strange — the division between the pair isn't due to any class difference but to a lifestyle one, and Travis hasn't exactly been forced to smoke pot constantly. But the two feel enough nostalgia for their younger days to end up hanging out afterward, where Travis coaxes Henry in smoking his way to an unpleasant first-time high that leaves him paranoid, dazed and with a black eye from falling out of a tree house.
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