Important coverage of an important subject but...
29 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film has always left me slightly disappointed although it accurately portrays hospital birthing, which is important for the American public to see, and they should all see it for that reason alone; to expose the medical scam that hospitals pull on healthy low risk women. The midwife used in this film doesn't have the best of reputations in her birthing community from what I can gather and the ending is very disappointing to hear two women rant against the system, rage against the billion dollar industry that medical birth has become and then to end on the note of a c section... I just feel that it didn't do justice to an otherwise important film. I also feel that this film focused too much on the medical side with not enough of a focus on the midwifery model of care which is what I think is so great about the new film by Jacqui Blue called Beautiful Births. If you like this film, you will love Beautiful Births! I did, at least.The two films together, Business of being born - covering the medical side, Beautiful Births covering the natural side - when viewers watch both films, they'll have a much more well rounded perspective of what to expect from pregnancy and birth in America.
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