Escape From Mediocre Cinema
28 December 2014
You know, I might as well not review EFPE. There's so many story elements, characters and clichés taken from similar productions it'll just feel like covering old ground. So, in lieu of a proper write up, here's the sitch: * The main character is an alien egghead, who does a lot of strenuous work but feels unappreciated by those around him, particularly by his...

* Dumb but all-action brother, who receives all the credit for carrying out dangerous missions on behalf of their planet, despite most the success being down to his sibling's technological know-how.

* The egghead also has a plucky son, who idolises his uncle but thinks his dad is a boring nerd. I wonder if he'll learn a lesson by the end of the movie, or save the day. Maybe both.

* The eggheads wife is a former pilot with their planet's airforce, when she chose to give up her esteemed position to raise her kid. Guess who's skills are needed once again...

* Lastly, we have three captured extraterrestrial lifeforms introduced later on when the locale is transported to Earth... None of whom serves any purpose whatsoever and could easily be written out of the script all together.

If you can't figure out exactly what'll conspire to happen based on the above descriptions alone, you REALLY need to see more movies. It all moves as regular as clockwork... Even the JOKES feel rudimentary and rehearsed. That's not to say anything here is horrendously bad... In fact, I think children will love it.

To the weary adult viewer though, it offers little more than a few chuckles and a retread over familiar ground. 'Nothing Special' is the mantra here, I'm afraid. And I hope it doesn't get picked up by any interplanetary spaceships belonging to civilisations we haven't get encountered... Or we're ALL doomed... 6/10
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